When I tried using the HTML 5 boilerplate extension in VS code, I received an error message indicating that it was not functioning properly

I've recently entered the realm of tech and decided to give VS Code a try. After downloading it, I installed several extensions, but unfortunately some of them aren't functioning properly. My primary issue is with the HTML5 boilerplate extension. Instead of working as expected, it's displaying an error message on the runtime status bar that reads: "unknown language in 'contributes.HTML5-boilerplate.language'. provided value: njk". I'm feeling lost and unsure of how to resolve this problem. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It is recommended to switch VS Code to English language. The error message indicates that the HTML5 boilerplate extension may not be compatible with the current language settings.

Answer №2

Dealing with a similar problem, I found myself frustrated by the recurring message 'Waiting for an HTML File' that kept appearing on my VScode status bar. Despite numerous attempts, I couldn't find a solution.

However, as a last resort, I decided to right click on the message and disable the 'Extension status' option. Surprisingly, this simple action resulted in the disappearance of the annoying message from the status bar completely.

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