When hovered over, the submenu quickly adjusts its size within 0.1 seconds

Whenever you hover over the Galerija, a submenu pops up. However, there seems to be an issue where the right side of the submenu twitches or resizes for about 0.1 seconds initially.

If anyone has any insight on this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm hesitant to share the CSS code as I'm not sure where the problem lies. Perhaps someone could diagnose the issue by inspecting the elements or viewing the source code.

For reference, here is the link to the page:

In case the code is necessary, the section below may be relevant, but I haven't been able to resolve the issue:

/* Dropdowns */

    .sf-menu li li {
        background: #c18484;
        border: 1px solid white;

    /* Sub Menu Item Links */

    .sf-menu li li a {
        border-color: #c48484;
        color: #fff;

    /* Sub Menu Hovering */

    .sf-menu li li:hover, 
    .sf-menu li li.sfHover,
    .sf-menu li li a:focus, 
    .sf-menu li li a:hover, 
    .sf-menu li li a:active {
        background-color: #a07272;
        color: #fff;

Answer №1

Your menu is being cut off on the right due to an unexpected overflow: hidden setting in the sub-menu when it's hovered over. It's hard to pinpoint where this overflow: hidden is coming from without seeing the entire CSS file since there are numerous inline CSS declarations. If you're able to locate the source, remove that property or add a CSS rule specifically for the submenu:

.sub-menu {
  overflow: visible !important;

It may not look pretty but it should do the trick ;)

UPDATE: Upon further thought, it could be the JavaScript responsible for creating the submenu animation that's applying the overflow: hidden style.

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