Eliminate the standard cell padding in nested HTML tables

In my setup, there is a parent table where each td tag in the tr tag contains a child table. Specifically, as shown in the example with Data WS-C3.... in the picture.

[![<table class="table table--bordered table--nostripes table-top">
       <th>Base Licence</th>
               <a (click)="addNewPid()">Add New PID</a>
           <td><a (click)="addNewPid()">Add New PID</a></td>
              <custom-table here ></custom-table>
               <custom-table here></custom-table>

One issue I encountered is that due to having fewer elements in the right column, there is default padding being added to match the size of the left column. My goal is to display those 3 rows of the right column immediately after "Add new PID". However, I am struggling to remove the default padding present in the right column. I attempted setting span=0 but it did not work. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Answer №1

Give this CSS a shot:

tr td {
  margin: 0px !important;

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