While working on a portal using the adminBSB template, I noticed that all select boxes have a display issue like this example.
This problem seems to be specific to Windows OS, as everything displays fine on Linux OS.
The culprit behind this issue seems to be the data-live-search="true" attribute.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this matter.
<select class = "form-control show-tick" onchange = "showQuantityPerUnit(); typeForward(this.value);" data-live-search = "true" name = "type" id = "type" required>
<option value="">SELECT TYPE</option>
<?php $MedicineType = $DataControl -> Read("type", "");
foreach ($MedicineType as $TypeKey) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $TypeKey['type']; ?>"><?php echo $TypeKey['type']; ?></option>
<? } ?>