Is it possible to generate an HTML file without MathML by rendering MathJax/MathML at compilation/preprocessing time?

I am looking for a solution to convert webpages with heavy MathJax (or MathML) usage into ebooks for display on my Kindle, which does not fully support JavaScript or MathML. I am interested in preprocessing the .html files by running MathJax during a compilation step to replace MathML with HTML/CSS. Are there any tools available that can assist with this task?

Answer №1

It would be more beneficial to switch from MathML to SVG instead of HTML-CSS. MathJax's HTML-CSS output varies depending on the browser, operating system, font size, and other factors. Saving the HTML generated for one situation may not work properly for another. In contrast, SVG output remains consistent across browsers.

There have been efforts by some individuals to address this issue. The svgtex project is one example. Wikipedia created Mathoid to achieve a similar goal.

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