When an image is a child of the parent content and another element has opacity set, the CSS stack order will be altered

Recently, I came across an interesting issue while working with CSS, particularly with negative margins to stack elements on top of each other.

I am aware of the natural stack order in which elements overlap, where the later element always appears on top without using relative or absolute positioning.

Here are a couple of questions that I encountered:

Question1: Why does the later element go under the image if the former element contains an image?

Question2: Furthermore, why does the later element go over the former element when it has an opacity value other than 1 (is it somehow resetting the natural order)?

Below is the HTML and SCSS code snippets for reference:

<div class="box sample1">
        <img src="http://fillmurray.com/100/100" alt="">
<div class="box sample1-2">opacity: 1</div>

<div class="box sample1-3">
    <img src="http://fillmurray.com/100/100" alt="">
<div class="box sample1-4">opacity: .9</div>

For a detailed explanation and a demo, please visit the following link: https://jsfiddle.net/nori2tae/4w62t746/8/

I would appreciate some insights or explanations on this matter. Thank you!

Answer №1

Query1: What is the reason for the later element to go under the image if the former element has an image element?

It happens because, within the same stacking context, inline-level elements (like the image) are painted above non-inline-level elements. More information can be found in this post.

You can get a clearer understanding of the stacking order of elements within the same stacking context from this article which includes a helpful image:


Query2: Furthermore, why does the later element go over the former element when the later element has opacity other than 1 (reverting to natural order)?

This happens because a new stacking context is created on an element with an opacity value less than 1.

As per the spec: (emphasis added)

If an element with opacity less than 1 is positioned, the ‘z-index’ property applies as described in [CSS21], except that ‘auto’ is treated as ‘0’ due to the creation of a new stacking context.

For detailed information on stacking contexts, refer to this MDN article.

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