Creating a continuous loop animation with CSS hover state

This piece of code creates an interesting effect when the text is hovered over. The slight shakiness adds a cool touch to it. However, this effect only occurs when the mouse is moved slowly; if the mouse remains stationary, the hover style takes precedence.

Is there a way to maintain the shakiness (or rapid switching, to put it simply) even when the mouse is still? Perhaps transitioning at least 5 times between the hover style and non-hover style with CSS3. I am aware that this can be achieved with JavaScript, but I'm curious about the CSS approach, although incorporating a bit of JS wouldn't be a problem.


<div id="intro"><h1>Lorem Ipsum<br>dolor</h1></div>


#intro {
      font-family: 'Pacifico', cursive;
      color: #fff;
      text-align: center;}

#intro:hover {
      font-family: 'Lobster', cursive;}


Alternatively, is there a way to create an effect that transitions between the non-hovered and hover styles at a defined interval or for a set number of times when hovered over?

Answer №1

To achieve your desired outcome, consider using jQuery to simplify the process. An example implementation could look like this:

$('#intro').on('hover', function() {
  var that = $(this);
  that.css('font-family', "'Pacifico', cursive;");
}, function() {
  var that = $(this);
  setTimeout(function() { 
    that.css('font-family', "'Lobster', cursive;");
  }, 500);

If you need a longer transition time between font switches, simply adjust the timeout value.

For a demonstration without custom fonts included, view this JSFiddle link: JSFiddle

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