When an element is set to a fixed position while scrolling, it causes the element to flicker

After implementing the jQuery plugin stickyjs on my website, I noticed a strange issue. While it works perfectly fine on my Mac, when using the mouse scroll wheel on my PC, the element blinks once rapidly as it reaches the top of the page. Interestingly, dragging the scrollbar does not produce this blinking effect - only the scroll wheel triggers it. This peculiar behavior can be observed on the demo page of stickyjs as well.

The white "Sticky" header and the buttons labeled "Download Plugin" and "Fork on Github" are the elements that blink on PCs. Has anyone encountered this issue before or knows what might be causing it? Is there any workaround available?

Answer №1

Ensure that the CSS property position:fixed is applied right from the beginning. If it's added after scrolling, the div may lag behind and then abruptly jump to the top of the window, causing a flickering effect.

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