What's the best way to customize a partially collapsible Navbar in Bootstrap 4 to display items exactly where I need them to

Is there a way to make a Bootstrap 4 Navbar only partially collapse?

I want certain items on the Navbar aligned to the right to always be visible, while the rest of the Navbar items on the left will collapse into a menu when viewed on mobile devices.

The issue I'm facing is that when the menu expands, the collapsed elements appear before the fixed menu, but I prefer them to appear below for better aesthetics.

To see a working example, click here: http://jsfiddle.net/sfm70xLe/

Here is how I want it to look when expanded:


This is the desired outcome when accessing the collapsed items:


I have tried adjusting the element placement and experimenting with float-right and float-left, but these changes have not been effective so far. I am not sure how to proceed without making significant modifications to the Bootstrap framework. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

To ensure the navbar-header div functions correctly, position it above the navbar-collapse div in the HTML code. You can then adjust its placement to the right for larger screen sizes using the CSS property order.

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