Prevent sticky div from overlapping with footer

I currently have a social link menu that is fixed to the left side of my page, structured like this:

<footer id="colophon"></footer>
    <ul id="social">

Here is the corresponding CSS:

   transform: rotate(-90deg);
   position: fixed;
   transform-origin: left;
   left: 50px;
   bottom: 22px;

However, I am facing an issue with the footer - I do not want the menu to overlap or block it. Instead, I want the menu to stop just above the footer. How can I achieve this without simply changing the bottom position? The menu should remain at 22px but not cover the footer.

Answer №1

To ensure the social nav element stops above the footer, you can add a margin-bottom equal to the height of the footer element.

footer#colophon {
  height: 100px; /* or adjust to match footer height */

   transform: rotate(-90deg);
   position: fixed;
   transform-origin: left;
   left: 50px;
   bottom: 22px;
   margin-bottom: 100px; /* or adjust to match footer height */

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