What would you suggest as a more effective method for preventing content overlap during multi uploads?

Recently, I was working on a Wordpress site and used the Ninja Forms plugin to create a form. One of the challenges I encountered was styling the file upload button. After some research, I came across a tutorial that provided a great solution that worked across different browsers:

Although I successfully styled the button as desired, I now face two issues:

a) When more than one file is selected, the file list overlaps with the content below.

b) I'm struggling to set 'MultiFile-wrap' to overflow:hidden without hiding the file list.

To address these problems, I am considering implementing one of the following solutions:

1. Find a way to move 'MultiFile-list' out of its parent element (MultiFile-wrap) in the DOM, potentially using jQuery.


2. Use jQuery to count the number of items currently in the list and adjust the margin of the content below accordingly.

I am unsure which approach would be more effective. At the moment, I am leaning towards the second option...

Answer №1

After careful consideration, I chose the first option because it appeared to be the more organized approach and enabled me to set 'MultiFile-wrap' overflow:hidden.

It took some time for me to realize that 'MultiFile-list' is generated dynamically, so I needed to attach the function to a click event.

Here is the solution that did the trick:

$(document).on('click', '.upload-container .MultiFile-wrap', function () {
  $('.upload-container .MultiFile-wrap .MultiFile-list').insertBefore('.description');

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