Is there a way to stop TD from going to the next line?

I am using Javascript to dynamically generate a table and I want it to extend beyond the boundaries of the page. When I manually create the table, it works fine and extends off the page, but once I put it into a loop, the <td> elements wrap onto a second line, creating multiple rows in the rendered HTML when they reach the end of the page.

<div id="panelindex" style="overflow:scroll;text-align:center;">
  <table border="0">

This code is within its own table (without any styling). Here is the Javascript code:

var q = Math.floor((1/numpanels)*500);
if(q>50) q=50;
panelindex.innerHTML = "<table border='0'><tr>"
for(i=0; i<numpanels; i=i+1)
panelindex.innerHTML = panelindex.innerHTML + "<td><div id='panel" + i + "' onclick='jumppage(" + i + ")' style='float:left;text-align:center;margin:8px;border-width:3;border-color:white;border-style:none;'><a href='#" + i + "'><img src='thumbnails.php?image=blowem" + zeroFill(i,2) + ".gif&GIF&tw=128&th=128&quality=" + q + "'>\n" + 
"<br />" + i + "</a></div></td>\n";
panelindex.innerHTML = panelindex.innerHTML + "</tr></table>"

You'll notice that there is a <div> inside each <td> so that I can add a border around the panels. Without this <div>, it doesn't seem to work properly. Any suggestions on how to keep all the <td> elements in one line instead of wrapping to a new line?

Desired Layout:

Current Issue:

Click the Show link.

Answer №1

When you set a string value to innerHTML, it is not simply holding that value.</p>

<p>innerHTML actually parses the value as HTML, creates a DOM from it, inserts it into the document, and then converts that DOM back into HTML when you read it back.</p>

<p>This process means that any errors in the string value can be corrected, like missing end tags.</p>

<pre class="lang-js"><code>If you try setting innerHTML more than once:</pre></div></div>

<p>You will notice the content being combined:</p>

<pre><code><table border="0"><tbody><tr></tr></tbody></table><td>etc etc

To avoid this issue, store your data in a separate variable and only assign it to innerHTML once your HTML structure is complete.

Instead of manually building HTML strings, consider using DOM methods like createElement and appendChild for a more robust approach.

Answer №2

Alright, I have the corrected HTML and JavaScript code for you. It appears that using innerHTML to update the HTML before all the necessary code has been built can cause issues with missing closing tags. Here is the updated code:

<div id="panelindex" style="overflow:scroll;text-align:center;">


And here is the revised JavaScript code:

var numpanels = 100;

var q = Math.floor((1/numpanels)*500);
if(q>50) q=50;
panelindex.innerHTML = "<table border='0'><tr>";
var html = "<table border='0'><tr>";
for(i=0; i<numpanels; i=i+1) {
html += "<td><div id='panel" + i + "' onclick='jumppage(" + i + ")' style='float:left;text-align:center;margin:8px;border-width:3;border-color:white;border-style:none;'><a href='#" + i + "'><img src='thumbnails.php?image=blowem" +  ".gif&GIF&tw=128&th=128&quality=" + q + "'>\n" +
"<br />" + i + "</a></div></td>";
html += "</tr></table>";
document.getElementById("panelindex").innerHTML = html;

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