What techniques can I use to maximize efficiency in my code by consolidating common styles across multiple cards?

I have included my css and html code below. I am trying to apply certain styles to all the cards, while changing only the color of the top border individually for each card. I am struggling to find a way to select multiple classes at the same time. My current code feels messy to me and I'm looking for ways to improve it.

.card-supervisor {
    border-radius: .5rem;
    padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
    margin-bottom: 3rem;
    box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem .5rem #dedede;
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(180, 62%, 55%);

.card-team-builder {
    border-radius: .5rem;
    padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
    margin-bottom: 3rem;
    box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem .5rem #dedede;
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(0, 78%, 62%);

.card-karma {
    border-radius: .5rem;
    padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
    margin-bottom: 3rem;
    box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem .5rem #dedede;
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(34, 97%, 64%);

.card-calculator {
    border-radius: .5rem;
    padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
    margin-bottom: 3rem;
    box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem .5rem #dedede;
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(212, 86%, 64%);
<section class="cards">
        <div class="card-supervisor">
          <h1 class="card-title">Supervisor</h1>
          <p class="card-paragraph">Monitors activity to identify project roadblocks</p>
          <div class="card-image">
            <img src="images/icon-supervisor.svg">
        <div class="card-team-builder">
          <h1 class="card-title">Team Builder</h1>
          <p class="card-paragraph">Scans our talent network to create the optimal team for your project</p>
          <div class="card-image">
            <img src="images/icon-team-builder.svg">
        <div class="card-karma">
          <h1 class="card-title">Karma</h1>
          <p class="card-paragraph">Regularly evaluates our talent to ensure quality</p>
          <div class="card-image">
            <img src="images/icon-karma.svg">
        <div class="card-calculator">
          <h1 class="card-title">Calculator</h1>
          <p class="card-paragraph">Uses data from past projects to provide better delivery estimates</p>
          <div class="card-image">
            <img src="images/icon-calculator.svg">

Answer №1

To apply a consistent style to all cards, you can utilize the card class and define shared properties like this:

    border-radius: .5rem;
    padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
    margin-bottom: 3rem;
    box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem .5rem #dedede;
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(180, 62%, 55%);
.card-supervisor {
    border-color:hsl(180, 62%, 55%);

.card-team-builder {
    border-color: hsl(0, 78%, 62%);

.card-karma {
   border-color: hsl(34, 97%, 64%);

.card-calculator {
   border-color:hsl(212, 86%, 64%);
<section class="cards">
        <div class="card card-supervisor">
          <h1 class="card-title">Supervisor</h1>
          <p class="card-paragraph">Monitors activity to identify project roadblocks</p>
          <div class="card-image">
            <img src="images/icon-supervisor.svg">
        <div class="card card-team-builder">
          <h1 class="card-title">Team Builder</h1>
          <p class="card-paragraph">Scans our talent network to create the optimal team for your project</p>
          <div class="card-image">
            <img src="images/icon-team-builder.svg">
        <div class="card card-karma">
          <h1 class="card-title">Karma</h1>
          <p class="card-paragraph">Regularly evaluates our talent to ensure quality</p>
          <div class="card-image">
            <img src="images/icon-karma.svg">
        <div class="card card-calculator">
          <h1 class="card-title">Calculator</h1>
          <p class="card-paragraph">Uses data from past projects to provide better delivery estimates</p>
          <div class="card-image">
            <img src="images/icon-calculator.svg">

Answer №2

To easily style multiple elements with common properties, group them together in a selector using commas, then specify individual rules for color

.card-supervisor, .card-team-builder, .card-karma, .card-calculator {
    border-radius: .5rem;
    padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
    margin-bottom: 3rem;
    box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem .5rem #dedede;
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(180, 62%, 55%);

.card-supervisor {
  background: blue;
.card-team-builder {
  background: red;
.card-karma {
  background: yellow;
.card-calculator {
  background: green;

Answer №3

Choose multiple classes by separating them with commas

.card-calculator {
  border-radius: 0.5rem;
  padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
  margin-bottom: 3rem;
  box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem 0.5rem #dedede;
.card-supervisor {
  border-top: 0.5rem solid hsl(180, 62%, 55%);

.card-team-builder {
  border-top: 0.5rem solid hsl(0, 78%, 62%);

.card-karma {
  border-top: 0.5rem solid hsl(34, 97%, 64%);

.card-calculator {
  border-top: 0.5rem solid hsl(212, 86%, 64%);

Answer №4

To simplify styling for different types of cards, you can create a global .card class and use class modifiers for each specific card type.

For more information, you can explore:

  1. OOCSS Object Oriented CSS
  3. BEM Block, Element, Modifier

.card {
      border-radius: .5rem;
    padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
    margin-bottom: 3rem;
    box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem .5rem #dedede;

.card-supervisor {
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(180, 62%, 55%);

.card-team-builder {
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(0, 78%, 62%);

.card-karma {
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(34, 97%, 64%);

.card-calculator {
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(212, 86%, 64%);
<section class="cards">
  <div class="card card-supervisor">
    <h1 class="card-title">Supervisor</h1>
    <p class="card-paragraph">Monitors activity to identify project roadblocks</p>
    <div class="card-image">
      <img src="images/icon-supervisor.svg">

  <div class="card card-team-builder">
    <h1 class="card-title">Team Builder</h1>
    <p class="card-paragraph">Scans our talent network to create the optimal team for your project</p>
    <div class="card-image">
      <img src="images/icon-team-builder.svg">

  <div class="card card-karma">
    <h1 class="card-title">Karma</h1>
    <p class="card-paragraph">Regularly evaluates our talent to ensure quality</p>
    <div class="card-image">
      <img src="images/icon-karma.svg">

  <div class="card card-calculator">
    <h1 class="card-title">Calculator</h1>
    <p class="card-paragraph">Uses data from past projects to provide better delivery estimates</p>
    <div class="card-image">
      <img src="images/icon-calculator.svg">

Answer №5

To easily apply a common set of CSS rules to multiple classes, simply separate them with commas like the example below.

.card-supervisor, .card-team-builder, .card-karma, .card-calculator {
    border-radius: .5rem;
    padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
    margin-bottom: 3rem;
    box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem .5rem #dedede;

However, keep in mind that you can assign more than one class to an HTML element. It is recommended to use one common class for shared styles and another class or ID for unique styles as shown below:

<div class="card-item card-supervisor">


    border-radius: .5rem;
    padding: 2.5rem 3rem;
    margin-bottom: 3rem;
    box-shadow: 0 1rem 2rem .5rem #dedede;
.card-supervisor {
    border-top: .5rem solid hsl(180, 62%, 55%);

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