The edit button for an element should only modify that specific element, but instead it is making changes to all elements

Currently, I am working on creating an edit function for a favorites bar. The issue I am facing is that when I attempt to edit one box, all the previously clicked boxes are also being edited. You can find the complete code in this jsfiddle link:

I'm puzzled as to why my editFavorite function is updating multiple boxes instead of just the selected one.

function clickEdit(input, title, url, plus, editIcon, anchorEdit, editBtn)
  let i = editIcon.length - 1;

  editIcon[i].addEventListener("click", function(event){ = "block";
    title.value = plus[i + 1].textContent;
    url.value = anchorEdit[i].href;
    editFavorite(anchorEdit[i], url, title, input, editBtn);

function editFavorite(changed, url, title, input, editBtn)
  editBtn.addEventListener("click", function(){
    changed.href = url.value;
    changed.textContent = title.value; = "none";

Answer №1

It seems that there are some issues with your current approach in terms of logic, architecture, and the event handler being used. Let's try a more OOP approach to solve these problems and gain a better understanding of the process.

Each favorite will be treated as an independent object capable of creating and updating itself.

function favorite(newTitle, newUrl) {
  this.element = container.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
  this.title = this.element.appendChild(document.createElement("h2"));
  this.url = this.element.appendChild(document.createElement("h2"));

    this.update = (newTitle, newUrl) => {
      this.title.textContent = newTitle;
      this.url.textContent = newUrl;

    this.createButton = () => {
      button = this.element.appendChild(document.createElement("button"));
      button.addEventListener("click", () => {
        let titleInput = document.getElementById("title").value;
        let urlInput = document.getElementById("url").value;

        this.update(titleInput, urlInput);

  this.update(newTitle, newUrl);

We can then include a simple form where users can input data for editing existing favorites or creating new ones.

<input id="title" type="text" name="title" placeholder="Title">
<input id="url" type="text" name="url" placeholder="Url">
<button id="submit">Create New</button>

Next, we implement the submit functionality.

  document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener("click", () => {
    let titleInput = document.getElementById("title").value;
    let urlInput = document.getElementById("url").value;

    if (!titleInput.length || !urlInput.length) return;
    let newFavorite = new favorite(titleInput, urlInput);

Answer №2

An issue arises with the editFavorite function because each time it is called, a new listener is automatically initiated, resulting in multiple listeners being active simultaneously.

The solution lies in adding "{once : true}" as an option within the event listener, which ensures that the listener will only trigger once.

function editFavorite(changed, url, title, input, editBtn)
  editBtn.addEventListener("click", function(){
    changed.href = url.value;
    changed.textContent = title.value; = "none";
  },{once : true});

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