Animating SVG elements using CSS

After learning how to use the <animate> attribute, I successfully created a captivating animation featuring an elastic line. However, I am now determined to transform this into CSS for better control: my goal is to activate the animation only upon hovering over the line element. Unfortunately, I am facing difficulties in achieving this.

If you want to see a demonstration of what I have described, please check out this Live Example.

Here you can find my HTML and SVG code:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="cntr" id="grid">
          path {
            stroke: red;
            stroke-width: .2;
            stroke-linecap: round;
            fill: none;
      <g class="drawing">
        <g class="path-wrap">
          <path d="M 30,40 Q 50,40 70,40">
              values="M 30,40
                      Q 50,40 70,40; 

                      M 30,40
                      Q 50,50 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 50,35 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 50,45 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 50,38 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 50,42 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 50,39 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 50,41 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 50,40 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 60,40 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 40,40 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 60,40 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 40,40 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 60,40 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 40,40 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 60,40 70,40;
                      M 30,40
                      Q 40,40 70,40;"

Is there a straightforward method for converting <animate> attributes to CSS? Or is this task deemed impossible?

Answer №1

According to @Robert Longson, it has been noted that

Only Chrome supports CSS animation of path d attributes

If you aim to effectively manage SVG animations, you can utilize a robust set of attributes and parameters similar to those in CSS animations. For instance, if you wish to create the start and end points of an animation triggered by hover events, you would need to specify:


The animation within the SVG canvas will continue as long as the cursor is hovering over it, but will cease when the cursor moves outside the canvas.

<svg id="grid" xmlns="" width="30%" height="30%" viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="cntr" style="border:1px solid gray;">
          path {
            stroke: red;
            stroke-width: 1;
            stroke-linecap: round;
            fill: none;
      <g class="drawing">
        <g class="path-wrap">
          <path d="M 30,40 Q 50,40 70,40">
              values="M 30,40
                      Q 50,40 70,40; 

                      // additional animated values...

                      M 30,40
                      Q 60,40 70,40;

                      M 30,40
                      Q 40,40 70,40;"

Answer №2

For the "begin" attribute, simply switching it to begin="mouseover" will make it function properly.


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