What strategies can we implement to ensure consistency in visual styles and templates across our microservices?

Our team is currently working on multiple microservices simultaneously. While traditional microservice architecture discourages code sharing and reuse between services, we are considering the benefits of consistent styling across all services that have Web UIs.

How can we efficiently maintain uniform styles without having to manually update each service whenever there is a change in layout or style?

Answer №1

If you're looking for a way to efficiently reuse styles across multiple micro-frontend applications, one suggestion is to import your CSS styles from a shared library and integrate them into your apps. This can be achieved by:

  • Creating an npm package specifically for common CSS/SASS/SCSS styles
  • Developing another npm package for shared UI components

By updating a style within one of these libraries, you can simply publish a new package and update it in your micro-frontend applications.

While code sharing isn't always necessary in microservice architecture, maintaining consistent styling for services with web interfaces can prove beneficial.

It's generally recommended to segregate common, business logic-agnostic elements into libraries when working with microservices or micro-frontends. This includes common styles, UI components, utilities, test infrastructure, etc. By centralizing these elements, maintenance becomes easier as updates and fixes can be applied more efficiently. Specific UI components or styles can still be created within individual micro-frontends, but keeping common elements in a shared library is preferable.

Furthermore, consider including styles in a top-level Index.html or base component of your UI to make them accessible throughout all sub HTML/component files. The effectiveness of this approach may vary based on the structure of your HTML/CSS and the frontend framework being utilized.

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