I implemented a hover effect for the links on my website. However, I want this effect to be applied to every link except those within a specific div.
Sample HTML
<div id="menu">
<div class="menu_item">
<a href="index.html" title="Home" target="_self">
<img src="_images/_menu/Home.png"
onclick="this.src='_images/_menu/homePressed.png'" alt=""/></a>
The CSS code I have attempted to use
a:hover:not(.menu_item) {
background-color: #D6910E;
color: #FFE1A7;
} *no change*
a:hover:not(#menu) { *no change*
a:hover:not(#menu.menu_item) { *turns off hover on all links*
a:hover:not(#menu .menu_item) { *turns off hover on all links*