What steps should I follow to ensure that the content for the back page is printed on the back page of a booklet when using paged.js?

In the case of a booklet printed from folded sheets, it is interesting to note that the number on the back page will always be divisible by 4. If the content does not have a multiple of 4 pages, then the back page will end up inside the booklet.

For my current project, I am utilizing Paged.js for its excellent layout and pagination capabilities. Although it comes with a selector for handling the first page, there isn't one specifically for the last page.

I'm seeking advice on how to effectively insert blank pages at the conclusion of the document so that the final content page smoothly transitions onto the back cover of the booklet?

Answer №1

If there is anyone more skilled than me who could provide an enhanced version of this code, I would greatly appreciate it. While I believe that improvements can be made with functions like breakToken, the current setup works for my needs:

Within the unpaginated html, there exists a div labeled .back-page. The approach taken here involves checking if the page number corresponding to the back-page div is divisible by 4. If not, a large empty div is inserted.

The JavaScript

window.PagedConfig = { auto: false };

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  class MyHandler extends Paged.Handler {
    constructor(chunker, polisher, caller) {
      super(chunker, polisher, caller);

    beforeParsed(content) {}
    afterParsed(parsed) {}
    beforePageLayout(page) {}

    afterPageLayout(pageFragment, page, breakToken) {

    afterRendered(pages) {}

  setTimeout(() => window.PagedPolyfill.preview(), 2000); // TODO: replace this with the promise version

function bumpBackPageContentToRealBackPage(pageFragment) {
  let backPage = pageFragment.querySelector(".back-page");
  if (backPage) {
    let pageNumberStr = backPage.closest(".pagedjs_page").dataset.pageNumber;
    let pageNumber = parseInt(pageNumberStr, 10);
    console.log("last page is on", pageNumber);
    if (pageNumber % 4 !== 0) {
      console.log("last page needs a nudge");
      let pageDiv = document.createElement("div");
      backPage.parentElement.insertBefore(pageDiv, backPage);
    } else {
      console.log("All is well: last page will print on the back page");


.back-page {
  break-before: left;
.end-vacat-page {
  page-break-before: always;
  height: var(--pagedjs-pagebox-height);

This action triggers a reflow, ensuring that the back page aligns with the requirement to be displayed on a left-hand page according to one of the rules in the Paged.js polyfill.

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