What steps should be taken to address IE6 problems when a website functions properly in other browsers?

If you come across a website that functions perfectly on all browsers except for IE6, where the layout is extremely distorted but rebuilding the entire markup is not an option.

Furthermore, only CSS selectors supported by IE6 are being utilized on the site.

How would you go about addressing and resolving the issues specific to IE6 from start to finish? What steps would you take and how?

  • The first step would be to include special CSS for IE6.

     <!--[if IE 6]>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie6.css" />   

  • The second step would be to install (if not already installed) IE tester or a VPC image+ MS Virtual PC.

Now, how would you assess and rectify all CSS-related issues without making extensive changes to the HTML code?

Keep in mind, the website operates smoothly on all other browsers including IE7, IE8, and Firefox.

Answer №1

To troubleshoot website issues, leverage the power of the developer toolbar. Ensure that the IE VPC image has this tool pre-installed for IE6.

When encountering problems on a site, use the developer toolbar to identify and address issues in real-time. Experiment with different solutions until you find one that resolves the issue effectively.

Implement the fix in your ie6.css file and continue refining it until you achieve a satisfactory outcome.

Personally, I follow a similar process when faced with unexpected challenges: I utilize developer tools to analyze the problem and make necessary adjustments either in an IE-specific stylesheet or the default stylesheet if appropriate.

In extreme cases, consider using conditional comments to apply specific styles for IE6 while maintaining the regular stylesheet for other browsers. Although not ideal, this approach can be a viable workaround.

Answer №2

If you're dealing with Internet Explorer 6 bugs, a good place to start is here:

Consider using a jQuery framework to address the IE6 browser bugs without changing your code completely. Check out resources like:


While others may have different programming solutions, I find utilizing fixes for legacy technology to be my preferred approach :)

Answer №3

In order to address compatibility issues with IE6, it is recommended to consider examining the concept of 'having layout' as part of the troubleshooting process, possibly using tools like firebug.

Answer №4

To effectively address any discrepancies, it is recommended to identify the element that appears most out of place and analyze the reasons behind it (such as padding, margin, z-index, or has-layout). By systematically addressing each issue one by one with general fixes (e.g. using input instead of input#id), the troubleshooting process can be expedited.

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