What steps can be taken to stop Internet Explorer from interfering with a hover trigger on a child element?

I'm encountering an issue with my HTML and CSS code that seems to work perfectly in all browsers except for IE10 and below. The problem arises on a user profile page where there is a profile picture (avatar).

When hovering over the avatar, the CSS triggers a div inside the avatar div to transition from 0 opacity to 1. Within this div, there is a Tweet button embedded using an iframe and Socialite, though this detail is not relevant to the issue at hand.

In IE, when hovering over the avatar, the button displays correctly as intended. However, upon attempting to hover over the Tweet button itself, it blocks the cursor interaction with the avatar div causing it to disappear. This behavior in IE is unexpected since the outside trigger div should encompass everything within it.

Below is the HTML snippet utilizing Handlebars:

<div class="profile-avatar" style="background-image:url({{avatar_url}})">
  <div class="avatar-overlay">
    <div class="tweet-profile">
      <a href="//twitter.com/share" class="socialite twitter-share" data-count="none" data-text="Check out my profile!" data-url="{{url}}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>

And here's the CSS (written in Stylus syntax):

  @extend .background-cover
  height 120px
  margin-bottom 10px
  position relative

      opacity 1

  position absolute
  top 50px
  left 32px

    opacity 1

  position absolute
  left 0px
  top 0px
  width 100%
  height 100%
  background-color rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
  opacity 0
  transition opacity 250ms

Answer №1

Have you experimented with this code snippet?

 .profile-avatar .tweet-profile
    position absolute
    top 50px
    left 32px
    z-index 999999999

      opacity 1

Furthermore, the hover effect on:

  @extend .background-cover
  height 120px
  margin-bottom 10px
  position relative

      opacity 1

Seems incorrect, since it contains a class within the hover state? To solve this, I would suggest trying the following in Stylus:

 &:hover .avatar-overlay
   opacity 1

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