On my Google App Engine application, there is a page that shows search results.
While the design and font size look good on my laptop (using Chrome), they appear differently on a larger desktop display with IE. The title seems too large and the text beneath it is appearing grayed out, which shouldn't be the case. Below, you can see the CSS I am using. Any help with the design or any identified problems would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
CSS for the body (text under the title):
body { font-size: small; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
CSS for the title:
#large {color: #0066CC; font-size: large; }
CSS for "comment"
#small {color: #808080; font-size: x-small; }
In IE, I have also noticed that the text under the title is appearing as grayed out. Could someone explain why this is happening? Here is the code snippet in question:
<a href="%s"><span id=large>%s</span></a>
<a href="/comment?main_id=%s"><span id="small">comments</span></a><br />
""" %
(item.url, item.title, main_id,