What is the best way to incorporate CSS into an Angular 4 project?

I'm struggling to figure out how to import CSS into my app component. All the information I find on Google seems to lead me in different directions...

Within my component, I have defined:

   styleUrls: ['../css/bootstrap.min.css']

Yet every time, I receive a "Failed to compile" message.

My file structure is as follows:


I've tried using "./css/..." but that doesn't work, and neither does "css/bootstrap" or "./../css/bootstrap." At this point, I'm not sure what else to try. It seems like there might be an issue with how I am defining the style path...

Answer №1

If you follow plvice's advice, make sure to either import the bootstrap scss file in your global CSS file called style.scss

@import 'path/to/css/bootstrap.scss';

or include the min.css in your .angular-cli.json

  "styles": [

Answer №2

To start, place your CSS file in the assets directory. Next, include the path to your CSS file in the angular-cli.json file (this will style your app and can be found in your project folder).

In your (.angular-cli.json)

"styles": [

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