Stopping autoplay in Swiper as soon as you hover over it

My swiper is set to autoplay, but I want it to stop immediately when hovered over instead of waiting for the transition to finish.

Is there a way to interrupt the transition and stop it at the exact point where the cursor hovers?

Here is my Swiper configuration in Vue:

this.swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-brand-container', {
      loop: true,
      spaceBetween: 120,
      slidesPerView: 'auto',
      centeredSlides: true,
      nested: true,
      speed: 5000,
      autoplay: {
        delay: 0,

Below are the functions for stopping and starting the autoplay:

stopAutoplay() {
      if (this.swiper) {
startAutoplay() {
      if (this.swiper) {
  1. I attempted to recreate the swiper without autoplay
  2. Tried manipulating the swiper container through styles
  3. Dynamically changing parameters

Despite my efforts, I couldn't find a solution to stop the transition immediately upon hover.

Answer №1

Check out these options

    <!-- Your Swiper content goes here -->

Alternatively, consider using this code snippet

    <!-- Your Swiper content goes here -->

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      swiper: null,
      isFrozen: false,
  mounted() {
  methods: {
    initSwiper() {
      this.swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-brand-container', {
        loop: true,
        spaceBetween: 120,
        slidesPerView: 'auto',
        centeredSlides: true,
        nested: true,
        speed: 5000,
        autoplay: {
          delay: 0,
    freezeSlider() {
      if (this.swiper && !this.isFrozen) {
        this.swiper.params.autoplay.delay = 0;
        this.swiper.params.speed = 0;
        this.isFrozen = true;
    unfreezeSlider() {
      if (this.swiper && this.isFrozen) {
        this.swiper.params.autoplay.delay = 5000; // Back to default
        this.swiper.params.speed = 5000; // Back to default
        this.isFrozen = false;

Answer №2

Unable to find a solution or receive any advice, I had to take matters into my own hands. The only option I could think of was to manually scroll through the content.

stopAutoplay() {
      if (this.swiper) {
    startAutoplay() {
      const slideCount = this.swiper.slidesGrid.length
      this.interval = setInterval(() => {
        this.translate = this.translate + 30
        if (this.translate > this.swiper.slidesGrid[slideCount - 3]) {
          this.translate = this.swiper.slidesGrid[0]
        this.$ = `transform: translate3d(-${this.translate}px, 0px, 0px)`
      }, 500)

I created an interval where every half second, the block moves by a few pixels. To stop the scrolling, I clear the interval.

While it's not perfect, I'm open to suggestions on how to enhance this method. Feel free to share your thoughts!

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