excess white space appears in the mobile version

I recently completed a website using both materializecss and bootstrap platforms. While I know this may not be the best practice, it worked for my needs. However, I am facing an issue with the mobile view. When I reduce the viewport size, a margin appears alongside the entire body section and I cannot figure out what is causing it. I have provided two screenshots for reference, as well as links to the websites where you can see the issue in action: - See screenshot 1 here - View screenshot 2 here. If you require specific parts of the code to review, just let me know and I will gladly provide them. Visit the websites below to see the issue firsthand: - www.shariffoundation.ir/prototypetest - www.petrobavar.ir

Answer №1

Upon reviewing www.shariffoundation.ir/prototypetest, it appears that the issue stems from the animations within your footer element. To resolve this, consider implementing {overflow:hidden} for the footer area.

Regarding the second link, I recommend utilizing overflow:hidden for the "responsibility" id like so: #responsibility{overflow:hidden}

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