What steps can be taken to ensure an animation does not continually reset to its original state when run infinitely?

I am looking to create an animation that continues infinitely without returning to its original state after completion, similar to a sun moving animation. Below is a sample project:

-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
@-webkit-keyframes j3{
0% {transform: rotate(30deg)}

100% {transform: rotate(150deg)}
<img src="https://i.hizliresim.com/9m7y5Z.png" style="box-shadow:0 10px 20px rgb(2%,5%,5%); border-radius:50%;" width="255" height="255" id="planet" class="animator3"/>

Currently, the animation reverts to its original state after each run which I do not want. Can someone assist me in resolving this issue?

Answer №1

To make your animation run indefinitely, ensure that you establish a final state that corresponds to the initial one.

Furthermore, since you have chosen "alternate" as the animation method, this indicates that it will transition from A to B and then back from B to A in a recurring pattern. The default option would progress from A to B and then restart the process from A to B.

I have also included

-webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
to create an animation effect without acceleration or deceleration.

.animator3 {
    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
 @-webkit-keyframes j3{
    0% {transform: rotate(0deg)}
    100% {transform: rotate(360deg)}

<img src="https://i.hizliresim.com/9m7y5Z.png" style="box-shadow:0 10px 20px rgb(2%,5%,5%); border-radius:50%;" width="255" height="255" id="planet" class="animator3"/>

I trust this information proves helpful.

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