What is preventing the element from being positioned at the bottom of the container?

I have a vertical bar chart with 5 different colored sub-containers. I'm trying to position the 'chicken' sub-container at the bottom of the bar without any bottom-margin, but so far my attempts have been unsuccessful. When I try using absolute positioning for the 'chicken' sub-container, it doesn't display at all. (Please note: the height of each sub-container is being determined by Javascript, which has been tested and seems to be working fine. So, I suspect the issue lies within the HTML/CSS code itself).


    <div class="days">
        <div class="days-container">
            <div class="dairy"></div>
            <div class="beef"></div>
            <div class="pork"></div>
            <div class="eggs"></div>
            <div class="chicken"></div>


.days {
    float: left;
    width: 1em;

.days-container {
    height: 330px;

.chicken {
    position: absolute;
    background-color: #00AAFF;

Answer №1

The element is not visible because it currently has a width of 0 pixels. You may want to consider setting the width of the .chicken class to 100%.

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