Swapping values between HTML tables and arrays with the power of JavaScript

I have a unique table structure that I need help with:

My current table has 2 rows and multiple columns, but I want to change it to have 2 columns and multiple rows like this:

To create the table, I am using two arrays named milestone and milestoneDate. The values from these arrays are then appended to a div with the id meilensteine. For example, milestone contains: "1. MS: Beginn, 2. MS: Start, 3. MS: Meilensteine, 4. MS: Testung" while milestoneDate contains: "06.09.2021, 07.09.2021, 08.09.2021, 09.09.2021"

Here is the HTML snippet:


    <div id="meilensteine">


And here is the JavaScript code:

var cycleArr = [milestone, milestoneDate];

var strTable = "";
if (cycleArr.length != "0"){ 
    for(var i = 0; i < cycleArr.length; i++) {
        strTable += "<tr>"
        for(var j = 0; j < cycleArr[i].length; j++) {
            strTable += "<td>";
            strTable += cycleArr[i][j];
            strTable += "</td>";
        strTable += "</tr>";
} else {
    strTable = "Es gibt derzeit keine Meilensteine. Definieren Sie gerne die Meilensteine für das Projekt hier.";

Despite my attempts, I haven't been able to make it work as desired.

Answer №1

If you're looking to accomplish this task effortlessly, here's a clever workaround!

1. Start by creating a template using template literals in javascript:

const tableRowTemplate = `<tr><td>Stuff for column 1</td><td>stuff for column 2</td></tr>`;

2. Populate the template dynamically with content from two arrays:

const milestone = ['1. MS: Beginn','2. MS: Start','3. MS: Meilensteine','4. MS: Testung']
const milestoneDate = ['06.09.2021','07.09.2021','08.09.2021','09.09.2021']
for(let i = 0; i<milestone.length; i++){
    const tableRowTemplate = `<tr><td>${milestone[i]}</td><td>${milestoneDate[i]}</td></tr>`;

3. Insert this template into the table and witness it live:

const milestone = ['1. MS: Beginn', '2. MS: Start', '3. MS: Meilensteine', '4. MS: Testung']
const milestoneDate = ['06.09.2021', '07.09.2021', '08.09.2021', '09.09.2021']
for (let i = 0; i < milestone.length; i++) {
  const tableRowTemplate = `<tr><td>${milestone[i]}</td><td>${milestoneDate[i]}</td></tr>`;
  document.getElementById("table").innerHTML += tableRowTemplate

  <div id="meilensteine">

  <table id="table"></table>

Hopefully, this methodology proves beneficial in addressing your concern.

Answer №2

const tasks = [ "Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3", "Task 4" ];
const taskDates = [ "06.09.2021", "07.09.2021", "08.09.2021", "09.09.2021" ];

let tds = "", tdsd = "";
for (let i=0; i<tasks.length; i++) {
  tds += `<td>${tasks[i]}</td>`;
  tdsd += `<td>${taskDates[i]}</td>`;  
document.getElementById("taskrow").innerHTML = tds;
document.getElementById("dateRow").innerHTML = tdsd;

let tableRows = "";
for (let i=0; i<tasks.length; i++) {
  tableRows += `<tr><td>${tasks[i]}</td><td>${taskDates[i]}</td></tr>`;  
document.getElementById("tworows").innerHTML = tableRows;
<h3>2 rows</h3>
<table id="tworows" border="1">
 <tr id="taskrow"></tr>
 <tr id="dateRow"></tr>

<h3>2 columns</h3>
<table id="twocols" border="1"></table>

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