What makes @font-face function on Safari but not on Firefox in Mac versions?

Can anyone help me troubleshoot a font issue on my website? I've added the following code to the CSS file, and it's working fine in Safari, but not in Firefox. I'm new to coding, so please bear with me if this seems like a basic question. I've been trying to fix it for the past 3 hours.

@font-face { font-family: handwriting; src: url(http://example.com/handwriting.ttf); }

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

In order to avoid issues with Firefox blocking the loading of fonts from a different domain, it is recommended to include HTTP access control headers.

If you are serving the font from the same domain, consider using relative paths. For example, if handwriting.ttf is located in the same directory as your css file, use the following code:

@font-face { font-family: handwriting; src: url(handwriting.ttf); }

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