Creating beautiful prints with images

I have been tasked with developing an MVC C# application where the contents of a div are dynamically created using an AJAX call to fetch data from a database. Upon successful retrieval, the content is then displayed as a success message in JavaScript. Here's a simple example of the generated string:

"<div style='background:yellow'>asdf<img src='myfile.jpg'></div>"

To print this content, the following function is used:

function printDivContents(contents) {
    var printContents = contents;
    var originalContents = document.body.innerHTML;
    document.body.innerHTML = "<div style='margin:10px'>" + printContents + "</div>";
    document.body.innerHTML = originalContents;

While everything prints correctly most of the time, there seems to be an issue with the image within the content only printing if it has been loaded before. I am looking for a solution to ensure that the image always prints, regardless of prior loading. I have experimented with preloading the script into the content string but have not had success thus far. It is important to note that I can only use pure JavaScript and inline CSS exclusively. What options do I have to address this issue? Should I halt execution to wait for the DOM to load, set the image as a hidden div background on the calling page, or pursue another approach?

Answer №1

When calling the initial AJAX request on a webpage, establish an invisible division like this:

<div style="display:none; background:url('newfile.jpg')"></div>

To reflect any modifications to the file dynamically, adjust the background of the division before displaying it.

Answer №2

For those looking to maintain the ability to modify images dynamically, I encountered a similar challenge and discovered that delaying actions until the image has fully loaded proved effective:

var img = new Image();
img.onload = function () {
    // display on screen or perform other tasks
img.src = "desiredImageSource";

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