What makes drag and drop noticeably more fluid when including "overflow: auto"?

I'm currently working on a website's CMS and I want to create an index that allows for drag-and-drop selection. Initially, dragging and dropping on a placeholder wasn't very smooth. However, when I added the overflow: auto CSS property to the divs where dragging and dropping occurs, the process became much smoother and more user-friendly.

I'm curious to understand why this adjustment made such a significant difference in the functionality of the index. This improvement is particularly noticeable when there are numerous divs present on the webpage, such as in a nearly completed website project.

This issue has been observed in Chrome and Firefox browsers, although I haven't tested it on other browsers yet.

Check out the smoother experience with overflow auto

Compare it to the less desirable results without overflow auto

Answer №1

Consider the HTML elements as individual 'boxes'. Each box can have its own CSS properties such as height, width, margin, padding, and more. Even when a set height is given, each box will expand with its content due to the default state of overflow: visible;.

When moving elements from one element to another, jQuery allows them to break free from their original parent's properties. The child element will no longer inherit the previous properties but will instead expand based on its own CSS properties until moved into a new parent element.

In order to contain elements within a fixed size, CSS properties like overflow: hidden;, scroll;, and auto; are utilized. These properties prevent child elements from overflowing outside of the parent element, ensuring smooth handling during element manipulation.

Overflow: auto; ensures only necessary scrollbars appear for content overflow, improving visual aesthetics and performance when dragging elements around.

By implementing these concepts, the design process becomes more controlled and efficient. Consider these points when managing elements within your web projects.

Answer №2

When it comes to overflow, the default value is "visible", allowing content to render outside the element's box without being clipped.

However, setting it to auto will add a scroll-bar if any content is clipped, enabling users to see all of the hidden content.

The difference in smoothness between these two settings can be quite noticeable. For example, when overflow is set to auto, the rendering is smoother and faster compared to the default visible setting, which may appear slower or jumpy. This was particularly evident when testing in firefox using a fiddle example with elements arranged in columns.

An interesting observation is that in IE11, there wasn't a significant difference in the visual effects between auto and default settings.

To learn more about overflow and Visual Effects, refer to the Official W3 Documentation for Visual Effects

Answer №3

Upon closer inspection of the overflow-auto feature, I noticed that some of your boxes contain a horizontal scroll bar. Removing any overflow reveals that the div width expands based on the content within. This can result in varying div widths, leading to peculiar placements when dragging them within a parent container. Imagine a bucket filled with both large and small apples versus a bucket filled with apples of the same size; the arrangement of the apples would be different in each scenario.

Bucket of mixed apples: (divs of different sizes)
To see the difference in width, simply open the link without overflow = auto setting and observe how the images surpass the border on the right side due to the larger div sizes.

Bucket of uniform apples: (divs of the same size)
When overflow is set to auto, exceeding a certain width will trigger a scroll bar without impacting the div width itself. This maintains consistency and avoids any quirks in placement.

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