Having trouble getting Sass extending to work in a basic scenario?

Here we have a simple example of Sass code, an Angular 2 component that accesses the Sass code, and the rendered HTML. However, there seems to be an issue with the blueBig span element in the last part. As someone new to Sass, I am not sure why this basic example is not extending properly. Could anyone provide some insights on this problem? Thank you!

Angular2 Component

selector: 'test',
template: `
    <h1> testing sass</h1>
    <span [ngClass]="{blue : true}">This should be blue</span> 
    <span [ngClass]="{big: true}">This should be big</span>

    <span [ngClass]="{blue : true, big: true }">This should be big and blue</span>
    <span [ngClass]="{blueBig : true}"> this should be big and blue as well</span>

styleUrls: ['assets/scss/testing-component.scss']



  font-size: 200%;

  @extend .blue;
  @extend .big;



Rendered HTML


Answer №1

After compiling the Sass file on my local machine, it seems that everything is coded correctly.

My assumption, without seeing the actual HTML output, is that Angular might be converting camelcase blueBig to kebab-case blue-big. To address this issue, try wrapping the class name in quotes like this:

<span [ngClass]="{'blueBig' : true}">

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