What is the significance of the space between form.validate and .ng-invalid-email.ng-dirty?

I'm currently working on an AngularJS application and I'm confused about the spacing between "form.validate" and ".ng-invalid-email.ng-dirty" in the stylesheet code below:

    form.validate .ng-invalid-required.ng-dirty {background-color: lightpink;}
    form.validate .ng-invalid-email.ng-dirty {
        background-color: lightgoldenrodyellow;
    div.error { color: red; font-weight: bold;}

Any hints or assistance on this matter would be highly appreciated.

Answer №1

Those are explanations about css selectors.

form.validate specifically targets forms with the .validate class attached to them. On the other hand, .ng-invalid-required.ng-dirty selects elements that have both the .ng-invalid-required and .ng-dirty classes applied.

This information can be represented in a CSS file like so:

.class1.class2 {
    color: #fff;

In Angular, these classes are dynamically added to elements based on their state (such as invalid or valid), allowing you to easily style them accordingly. For example, you could change the color, make them bold, underline them, or add an asterisk. These classes serve as convenient shortcuts for styling elements within Angular.

Answer №2

When using

form.validate .ng-invalid-email.ng-dirty
, it specifically targets elements with both the ng-invalid-email and ng-dirty classes that are within a form containing the validate class, which is the desired behavior in this case.

If there was no space between the classes, it would target a form element that has all three classes: validate, ng-invalid-email, and ng-dirty.

The presence of a space signifies a descendant element in the selector syntax. For more information on this concept, you can visit this MDN page.

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