What is the recommended image size for Next.js websites?

According to documentation:

The width of the image, in pixels. Must be an integer without a unit. The height of the image, in pixels. Must be an integer without a unit.


Different devices come in various sizes, whether they are desktop or mobile. Sending the exact size for every image can be cumbersome.

In my opinion, it may not be necessary to specify the exact size of an image; rather, ensuring that the aspect ratio of the sent width and height matches the actual image's proportions could suffice. What do you think?

For example, if we consider the businessman image here:

If businessmen on Desktop have an image size of 468x346, then passing width={100} height={74} should result in an optimal image size being returned. This would also lead to optimal loading speed. Correct?

Answer №1

A key consideration is to ensure that the width and height values you provide are for the largest image size you plan to use. For example, if your desktop image dimensions are 468x346 pixels, then these should be the values you pass to your image component width={468} height={346}.

The component will automatically optimize the image size for smaller devices, but it will not resize images for larger screens. The dimensions you specify will determine the maximum size the component will render.

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