What is the reason for Firefox and Opera disregarding the max-width property when used within display: table-cell?

When viewing the code below, you may notice that it displays correctly in Chrome or IE with the image set to be 200px wide. However, in Firefox and Opera, the max-width style seems to be completely ignored. Is there a reason for this inconsistency across browsers, and what would be the best workaround to ensure compatibility? Additionally, which approach adheres most closely to web standards?


In cases like these, one potential solution is to specifically define the max-width as 200px. Although this example is quite specific, the goal is to find a technique that works for containers with variable widths.

<!doctype html>
        div { display: table-cell; padding: 15px; width: 200px; }
        div img { max-width: 100%; }
        <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3352/4644534211_b9c887b979.jpg" />
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec facilisis
            ante, facilisis posuere ligula feugiat ut. Fusce hendrerit vehicula congue.
            at ligula dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
            leo metus, aliquam eget convallis eget, molestie at massa.


A user named mVChr pointed out that according to the W3C specification, the max-width property does not apply to inline elements. Even after attempting

div img { max-width: 100%; display: block; }
, the issue remains unresolved.


Despite ongoing challenges, I have resorted to a JavaScript workaround to address this issue. It essentially recreates the scenario mentioned above and tests browser support for using max-width within display: table-cell. (Using a data URI eliminates the need for an extra HTTP request. The one included below is a 3x3 BMP image.)

jQuery( function ( $ ) {

    var img = $( "<img style='max-width:100%' src='" +
    "" +
    "'>" )
        $( "<div style='display:table-cell;width:1px;'></div>" )
        .appendTo( "body" )
    $.support.tableCellMaxWidth = img.width() == 1;


Answer №1

To ensure that Firefox and Opera respect the max-width rule, you should nest your wrapper div (the one with display: table-cell) within another div that has both display: table and table-layout: fixed.

For a visual example, you can refer to this demonstration on jsFiddle.

Answer №2

According to the specifications provided by w3.org, max-width does not have an impact on inline elements, resulting in inconsistent behavior across different browsers. In order to achieve your desired outcome, you can try setting div img { display:block } and then utilize floats to align the img and p tags instead of using standard inline methods.

Answer №3

After some trial and error, I found that replacing max-width: 100% with width: 100% did the trick in making it work.

Answer №4

Applying a width of 100% can solve one issue, but it may create another dilemma. Specifically in WordPress, setting an image's width to 100% can lead to complications. For example, what if the image is originally medium-sized with a width of 300px? In such cases, using classes to adjust the width to 50% for medium-sized images might distort smaller ones. While webkit browsers support width: auto; max-width: 100%;, Firefox, Opera, and IE often do not recognize these commands, presenting a significant challenge.

Answer №5

It seems like this topic has truly become quite perplexing...

The use of max-width doesn't seem to have an effect on inline elements or table-cell elements. However, when applied to an image with a display set to block, it does work - but what exactly is 100% in this context? In a table layout, the content within a cell will expand the column width to accommodate as much content as possible. Therefore, setting max-width:100% within a table cell often results in the natural width of the content.

This explains why specifying the max-width property of an image in pixels is effective:

    div { display: table-cell; padding: 15px; width: 200px; }
    div img { max-width: 200px; display:block;}

table-layout: fixed, as recommended by Alex, might be a solution if the image is not in the first row of the table, as the content of the first row determines the column widths.

Answer №6

In a unique scenario, I stumbled upon another solution online for creating a two-column layout in a responsive site by using display: table; and display: table-cell;. Instead of setting specific widths, try giving the sidebar a width of 350px and the main content area a width of width: calc(100% - 360px);. This worked well for me, especially since I needed a fixed width sidebar. It might even work with em units too.

This method does rely on JavaScript, but it should be acceptable in today's web development standards.

Answer №7

Did you consider including a position attribute to your image? Such as img {position:relative;}? This will ensure it aligns correctly with the parent element.

Answer №8

To make the div float to the left, simply include float: left in the CSS styling of the element.

Answer №9

I encountered a similar issue and found a solution by following these steps:

Tested in Opera and Firefox

.custom-style {
    max-width: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    display: table-cell !important;}

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