What is the reason behind the Nexus 4 (with Chrome for Android) displaying a window size of 384x519 while the screenshot depicts it as 768x1038

Currently, I am utilizing media queries to adjust the display based on different screen sizes. However, I have encountered an issue where the screen size is not being accurately reflected in CSS. For instance, on the Nexus 4 device, the display is rendering my "480px" CSS styles, whereas in Javascript it is showing:

//Javascript displays these values:
window.innerHeight == 519
window.innerWidth == 384

//CSS is utilizing this rule:
@media screen and (orientation:portrait) and (min-width: 361px) {...}

Upon capturing a screenshot of the browser on the phone, the visible window dimensions are 768 x 1038, which is twice the size of what the actual values are showing.

I am seeking a solution to ensure that both CSS and Javascript are able to accurately reflect the resolution of the device. My goal is to serve images of varying sizes depending on the screen resolution, so that users receive the highest quality picture suited for their specific device resolution.

For instance, I have a version of the main image sized at 768 x 400. I am looking to provide this higher resolution image to the Nexus 4, rather than the scaled-down 480 x 250 image that is currently being displayed. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

Mobile browsers have the ability to report screen sizes that may not be true to actual pixels. The term "pixel" in a browser does not always equate to a real pixel.

For example, my HTC One X has a screen resolution of 1280x720, but is reported as 640x360.

The most straightforward approach is to rely on the hardware manufacturers to handle this discrepancy. While there are instances where they may make mistakes (like the iPad Mini), in general, it is the easiest and most effective solution. Scaling text to render nicely by using multiple real pixels per reported pixel can result in a much better display. This means that a "standard" 16px font size may actually appear quite attractive on a small screen when it is rendered as 32px text.

(It's important to note that you cannot force the browser to behave differently in this regard.)

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