What is the reason behind padding increasing the apparent width of an element, despite having box-sizing set to border-box?

While working with Semantic-ui, I encountered an issue with toggle boxes placed next to each other in a flexbox container. When the window size is reduced, the boxes wrap around so that one is positioned on top of the other.

To create some spacing between them, I added both right and bottom padding of approximately 5px. However, I noticed a peculiar behavior. The padding caused the boxes to separate horizontally but not vertically when stacked, despite having bottom padding on each box.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the check boxes had their box-sizing property set to border-box. It turns out that the border-box box model calculates width and height to include padding and border.

The checkboxes were assigned a height of 1.5rem.

My question arises from this situation. My understanding was that padding shouldn't alter the size of an element when using border-box. However, this only seems to hold true if definite dimensions are defined as shown in the provided jsfiddle. Since the height is specified, the bottom padding isn't considered an additional dimension. Yet, the visible width of the divs changes when applying right padding even without a specific width set.

Why does this occur? Shouldn't padding have no impact on the element's size (unless set excessively large) regardless of whether a definite width is determined or left to be calculated?

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Astridax/8cd48emn/

I encourage you to experiment with toggling paddings using dev tools to observe the phenomenon firsthand.

Answer №1

From my understanding, when using the border-box property, padding should not affect the size of the element.

It seems there is some confusion here. The specification clarifies this issue: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/#box-sizing0


When using the 'border-box' value, the specified width and height (including min/max properties) define the border box of the element. This means that any padding or border applied to the element will be contained within these specified dimensions. The actual content width and height are calculated by subtracting the total padding and border widths from the specified values for 'width' and 'height'. To prevent negative dimensions, this calculation will not result in a negative number according to CSS specifications ([CSS21], section 10.2).

The key effect of setting the box-sizing property to border-box is that widths will include both the border and padding within the specified values. However, unspecified widths will behave as normal, adjusting to accommodate content, padding, and borders.


Your suggestion sounds reasonable in theory but is actually impractical due to a fundamental limitation. Consider a situation where a div contains content with an intrinsic width of exactly 500px, followed by a 20px padding around it.

#myDiv {
    padding: 20px;
    width: auto;

Initially, the div would have a width of 540px assuming the default 'content-box' behavior.

Now, let's switch the box-sizing to border-box.

#myDiv {
    box-sizing: border-box;
    padding: 20px;
    width: auto;

If we simply ignore the padding in the calculations, the size of the div would constantly fluctuate between considering and excluding the padding area. This inconsistency highlights why accommodating your proposed adjustment leads to endless contradictions.

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