What is the rationale behind the preset margin on the <body> tag?

Throughout my years in development, I have primarily focused on front-end web UI development. One recurring issue that has always irked me is the constant need to reset default browser styling assumptions, which often slips my mind until it starts affecting my page layouts.

One of the most common assumptions made by browsers is the default 8px margin applied to the HTML <body> element.

I've always wondered about the rationale behind this default margin. It's almost become standard practice to include CSS rules like the following to remove this unwanted margin:

html, body
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;

In my opinion, it would make more sense for developers to start with a clean slate and adjust the layout as needed. The default margin around the body element forces designers to be mindful of spacing and add extra code to ensure proper layouts when they forget to reset these defaults.

What was the reasoning behind the decision to apply this default margin to all body elements in early HTML browsers or the initial HTML spec?

Answer №1

Languages are designed to function independently, catering to specific purposes. For instance, HTML is meant for displaying content on a browser, while CSS focuses on enhancing the visual appeal. One can create an HTML document without any CSS and expect it to be displayed in a readable format by browsers due to their "sane defaults". These defaults provide basic styling like margin and padding and allow users to customize further with CSS.

Without default margin and padding, content would appear cramped against the browser window, making readability difficult.


Refer to the following links for Firefox and Webkit CSS defaults, useful for troubleshooting unexpected default styles.



Answer №2

Many developers tend to dive headfirst into creating websites and applications without considering the importance of ensuring proper spacing around the body's edges. This lack of attention can result in text running too close to the screen's edges.

Experienced developers know the value of resetting styles for better control, but some argue that using auto styling is the lesser of two evils. Consider those who rely on platforms like GoDaddy for simple website creation – they may not have the knowledge or resources to fine-tune every detail.

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