Ways to customize the appearance of Angular material elements one by one?

I have a component that contains two Angular Material form components:

<!-- First input -->
    <input matInput type="text">


<!-- Second input -->
    <input matInput type="text">

Before focusing on these input fields, they should look like this:


I want the first input mat-label to be blue when focused and floating at the top left corner.


For the second input mat-label, I prefer it to be black in color.


Is there anyone who can help me achieve this? Thank you very much!

Answer №1

To bypass the usage of ::ng-deep, you have the option to implement styles in the file named styles.css

  <mat-form-field class="">
    <input matInput placeholder="Top pick for food" value="Sushi">
  <mat-form-field class="red-float">
    <input matInput placeholder="Top favorite dish" value="Sushi">


.red-float.mat-focused label{
  color:red !important;


Answer №2

To customize the styling of a child component in CSS, you can utilize the ::ng-deep directive.

If the input element is within your component, you have the option to target it specifically using

mat-form-field input[matInput] {}

Answer №3

Check out the code snippet below.


 <!-- Input field 1 -->
<mat-form-field class="first">
    <mat-label>Task 1: Enter your task here</mat-label>
    <input matInput type="text">


<!-- Input field 2 -->
<mat-form-field class="second">
    <mat-label>Task 2: Enter your task here</mat-label>
    <input matInput type="text">


mat-form-field.mat-focused:first-child mat-label{
  color:rgb(80, 200, 30);

mat-form-field.mat-focused:last-child mat-label{

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