Is it possible to blur all elements of a form except for the submit button?

Can someone help me with a form issue I am facing?

<input type="text>'
<input type="submit">'

After submitting the form, I would like to blur the entire form:

 'filter' : 'blur(1px)'

The problem is that this also blurs my submit button. Is there a way to exclude the submit button from being blurred?

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can blur all of the child elements within a form except for the submit button. This can be done using jQuery and attribute selectors or by applying specific class names. Here is an example implementation using class names:


<form id="myForm">
  <input type="text">
  <input type="submit" class="visible-on-blur">

Javascript (jQuery)

$('#myForm').submit(function( event ) {
    'filter' : 'blur(1px)'

You can also check out the demo on JSFiddle.

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