What is the rationale behind browsers on OSX not supporting the styling of HTML option elements?

As an OSX user, I primarily use Chrome and recently discovered that styling the HTML option element is not applied in any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on OSX.

  <option class="option">Value 1</option>
  <option class="option">Value 2</option>
  <option class="option">Value 3</option>

// CSS
select {
  background-color: #fff;
  color: transparent;

.option {
  color: black; /* This is not applied in OSX */

View codepen for demonstration: https://codepen.io/Dongbin/pen/PoejmeM

I then tested the same code in different browsers on a Windows system, where it worked as expected.

Curious to understand why this discrepancy exists between OSX and Windows for styling HTML options.

Answer №1

During the CSS2 era, browsers relied heavily on platform UI widgets to display browser UI elements, which limited the styling options available. However, modern browsers are moving towards self-rendering all controls, leading to varying levels of customization across different platforms and operating systems.

While this approach maintains consistency with native styles, it can be limiting for those wanting more customization. One solution is to utilize a JavaScript library that offers additional functionality for styling.

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