What is the proper way to incorporate transform-origin into CSS for the scenario provided below?

  border: 1px solid blue;
  margin: 10rem;

  animation: animate-inner 5s linear infinite;

@keyframes animate-inner{
    transform-origin: 20% 20%;
    transform: rotate(0);
    transform-origin: 20% 20%;
    transform: rotate(360deg);

  animation: animate-inner2 7s linear infinite;

@keyframes animate-inner2{
    transform-origin: 50% 50%;
    transform: rotate(0);
    transform-origin: 50% 50%;
    transform: rotate(180deg);
<div id="container">
  <svg height = "500" width="500">
    <circle class="outer" cx="100" cy="100" r = "100"/>
    <circle class="inner" cx="93.5" cy="12.5" r = "12.5" fill="red"/>
    <circle class="outer" cx="400" cy="100" r = "100"/>
    <circle class="inner2" cx="393.5" cy="13.5" r = "12.5" fill="red"/>

Need guidance on utilizing the transform-origin property in CSS. Despite reading MDN, there's confusion regarding its application in this scenario. Seeking advice for making the inner circle revolve around both outer circles simultaneously. Any assistance is appreciated.

Answer №1

It seems that the usage of transform-origin is causing some complications here. I decided to simplify things by introducing a <g> element as a parent to each inner circle, which helps in centering the circles within the outer circles. The use of cx then acts as an "arm" to position them.

  border: 1px solid blue;
  margin: 10rem;

  animation: animate-inner 5s linear infinite;

@keyframes animate-inner{
    transform: rotate(0);
    transform: rotate(360deg);
<div id="container">
  <svg height="500" width="500">
    <circle class="outer" cx="100" cy="100" r="100"/>
    <g transform="translate(100 100)">
      <circle class="inner" cx="87.5" r="12.5" fill="red"/>
    <circle class="outer" cx="400" cy="100" r="100"/>
    <g transform="translate(400 100)">
      <circle class="inner" cx="87.5" cy="0" r="12.5" fill="blue"/>

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