Generate and save (html/css/js) files directly on the client's browser

Recently, I created a code playground using React similar to liveweave. Users can save their "code playgrounds" and access them later by utilizing Firebase for the database. These "code playgrounds" consist of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript elements. My goal now is to implement a feature that allows users to download their playgrounds in three separate files (one for each language).

1) Is there a way to generate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files with content on the client-side?

2) If it's possible, could these files be grouped into a .rar file on the client-side as well?

3) If generating files on the client-side isn't feasible or optimal, how would you suggest tackling this issue?

I'm considering creating an Express server to fetch data from the database and then respond with the necessary files, but I'm interested in exploring client-side solutions first.

Answer №1

After weighing my options, I ultimately opted for the fileSaver.js package.

import { saveAs } from "file-saver";
const saveFiles = () => {
    var blob = new Blob([makeHtml(getDocumentCode())], {
      type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8",
    saveAs(blob, `${getFileName()}.html`);

The initial step involves creating a blob from the combined content of the file; in this instance, it consisted of HTML, CSS, and JS code. The makeHtml function is responsible for constructing the HTML document. Subsequently, pass that blob to the saveAs function with the appropriate file name and extension. You can then utilize the saveFiles function in response to various events, such as onClick.

<button onClick={saveFile}>Download<button/>

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