What is the process for packaging asset folders in an Angular 4 application?

Currently, in my Angular4 App with Webpack, after executing the ng-build --prod command to build the application, I noticed that while the assets folder is present in the dist directory, the css and js files are not bundled or minified.

I am seeking guidance on how to bundle and minify the js and css files within my assets folder.

Answer №1

It appears that the JavaScript and CSS files located in the assets folder are considered external dependencies.

To include these files, you can update the .angular-cli.json configuration file. This will ensure that they are automatically compiled into the scripts.bundle.js for JavaScript and styles.bundle.js for CSS.

To add JavaScript files, navigate to .angular-cli.json and include the following:

"scripts": [

For CSS files, add the following:

"styles": [

Remember not to place external dependencies directly in the assets folder.

Best regards

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