What is the process for enabling a deactivated hyperlink?

Trying to figure out how to create a link that will only activate when a specific value is present. Let's say I have a link like this:

a(class="nav-link" id="signal_" style="pointer-events: none" href="/goToStreamingPage") <i class="fas fa-signal"></i> #{signal}
input(hidden id="signalInput" value=signal)

How can I change the style pointer-events from "none" to "auto" based on a condition?

I attempted to do so with this code snippet:

$(function() {
    let signals = document.getElementById('signalInput')
    if(signals.value === "Live"){
      signals.style.pointer-events = "auto";

Unfortunately, this resulted in an error stating "Invalid left-hand side in assignment."

Answer №1

To retrieve style attributes, you can use bracket notation as demonstrated in the following example:

element.style['border-color'] = 'blue';

There is no requirement to modify the syntax to camel case for this scenario.

Answer №2

Utilize camel casing when adjusting CSS using JavaScript

indicators.style.cursor = "pointer";

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