Using only CSS to swap out periods in OL>LI elements for a different style

Is there a way to customize the punctuation used in lists in HTML and CSS? For instance, can the standard period at the end of list items be changed to a right parenthesis or removed altogether?


Below is an example of improper CSS attempting to achieve this customization:

  list-style-punctuation: ')';
  list-style-punctuation: none;
  <LI VALUE=100>Won Hun Dread</LI>
<OL CLASS=onlyNumbers>
  <LI VALUE=100>Won Hun Dread</LI>

The desired outcome in the browser should look like this:

  1) Won
  2) Too
  3) Tree
  4) Fore
100) Won Hun Dread

  1 Won
  2 Too
  3 Tree
  4 Fore
100 Won Hun Dread

I would like to achieve this without using jQuery or JavaScript. The goal is to stick as closely to proper HTML 5 and CSS 3 standards as possible.

Answer №1

You can implement the before pseudo-element along with utilizing the power of CSS counter.

body {
ol {
ol:not(.onlyNumbers) li {
ol:not(.onlyNumbers) li:before {
    content:counter(withBrackets) ") ";
ol.onlyNumbers li {
ol.onlyNumbers li:before {
    content:counter(onlyNumbers) " ";

For a live demonstration, you can view the working example here

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