Is it possible to incorporate MUI React components within an iframe?

Looking to replicate the style seen in this Material UI website screenshot, I aim to design a container that will encompass my iframe contents, such as the navBar and menu drawer. However, I want to utilize Material UI's components for these elements. How should I tackle this task?

The challenge I'm currently facing is that while my nav bar remains within the iframe, it appears that the drawer will slide out from the browser window instead of the designated iframe box.

To further complicate matters, I need to embed an additional iframe within this existing one to house my text content.

Answer №1

Here is a practical demonstration of the concept you mentioned: Final outcome:

Main Page,App.tsx

Iframe Content,App.tsx


import * as React from 'react';
import Drawer from '@mui/material/Drawer';
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';

export default function TemporaryDrawer() {
  const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);

  const toggleDrawer = (newOpen) => () => {

  return (
      <Button onClick={toggleDrawer(true)}>Open drawer</Button>
      <Drawer open={open} onClose={toggleDrawer(false)}>
        Example Drawer


<Box sx={{ width: '90%', margin: 'auto' }}>

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