Ways to declare a function within the events onMouseOver and onMouseOut

<div align="right" style="border:1 #FF0 solid; background-color:#999" onMouseOver="javascript: function(){this.style.backgroundColor = '#DDD';}" onMouseOut="javascript: function(){this.style.backgroundColor = '#999';}">

Upon triggering the mouseover event, an error is encountered:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (

I am looking for a solution. How can I create a function within onMouseOver and onMouseOut?

Answer №1

Avoid using the function declaration, instead use:

onMouseOver = "this.style.backgroundColor = '#DDD';"

Also use:

onMouseOut = "this.style.backgroundColor = '#999';"

Additionally, it is recommended to explore unobstrusive javascript.

Answer №2

What is the reason for including a function in your situation? Simply using...

onMouseOut="javascript:this.style.backgroundColor = '#999'">

Answer №3

It's worth exploring jQuery and incorporating unobtrusive javascript into your workflow.

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Simply include the above script to access the jQuery library from Google.

You can then use an external stylesheet to customize your design.

<div id="container"> Register </div>

Next, create an external stylesheet like app.css:

#container {border:1 #FF0 solid; background-color:#999;text-align:left;}

Additionally, you can incorporate an external script such as app.js

$('#container').mouseout(function() {
  $('#container').css('backgroundColor', '#DDD')

Remember to link the external css and js files appropriately. The external stylesheet should be linked after the jQuery script.

<script src="app.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="app.css">

You can tweak the script to add more functionality triggered by mouse events:

$('#container').mouseout($('#container').css('backgroundColor', '#DDD'))
$('#container').mouseover($('#container').css('backgroundColor', '#DDD'))
$('#container').mouseenter($('#container').css('backgroundColor', '#DDD'))
$('#container').mouseup($('#container').css('backgroundColor', '#DDD'))

For a comprehensive list of available mouse event functions, check out this resource.

Answer №4

Why not utilize CSS for this purpose?



Alternatively, if you require a JavaScript function and the background is just an example, consider using jQuery for a simple solution:

Answer №5

To easily change the background color of multiple elements, create an external JavaScript function that takes in the necessary argument:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function ChangeBackgroundColor(element) {
    element.style.backgroundColor = '#F0F';

<div onmouseover="ChangeBackgroundColor(this);"></div>

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