What is the process for changing text to red when hovering over it in a nested list?

a {

a:hover {
          <a href="#"><li>Main1</li></a>
          <a href="#"><li>Main2</li>
          <a href="#"><li>Main3
              <a href="#"><li>Sub1</li></a>
              <a href="#"><li>Sub2</li></a>
              <a href="#"><li>Sub3</li></a>

          <a href="#"><li>Main4</li></a>
          <a href="#"><li>Main5</li></a>

          <a href="#"><li>Main6</li></a>

By hovering over each item, the color of the item will change to red. However, there are some sub-items under Main3 and when I hover over Main3 only Main3 turns red. How can I make the number "3" in front of Main3 also turn red?

Answer №1

Have you had a chance to test this out in your CSS file?

ul li a, ol li a {text-decoration: none;}

ul li a:hover, ol li a:hover {color: #E8001F;}

Additionally, do you think it should be done the opposite way?

  • Location 1
  • Location 2
  • Location 3

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