Tips for Customizing the StrongLoop LoopBack Explorer CSS

Our team is currently utilizing Strongloop's LoopBack framework for our REST APIs and we are looking to customize the CSS of the LoopBack Explorer. Unfortunately, it seems unclear which CSS files are being employed (LoopBack vs Swagger) and their exact location. I have been unable to locate any specific documentation regarding this issue.

Answer №1

There are more changes you can make beyond just adjusting the css. If you create your Loopback application using slc loopback as I did, you'll notice that the server/server.js file does not initially appear in a configurable format like it is shown in the accepted answer.

Instead, you can utilize the server/component-config.json file to direct the loopback component explorer to use a different directory for static files for the swagger-ui. By setting the uiDirs configuration as shown below, I directed it to search for static files in the server/explorer directory.

  "loopback-component-explorer": {
    "mountPath": "/explorer",
    "uiDirs": "server/explorer",
    "apiInfo": {
      "title": "My API",
      "description": "Description of my API"

* If using IISNode, set uiDirs to "explorer"; otherwise, it should be "server/explorer" as per @phegde 's comment

I created an index.html in my server directory by copying from

, and also added an images folder with a personalized logo.

Lastly, to apply custom css, duplicate the


Answer №2

If you want to customize Swagger UI files, you can do so by using the options.uiDirs parameter.

  1. To begin, open your server/server.js file and include the following configuration option:

    app.use(explorer(app, { uiDirs: path.resolve(__dirname, 'explorer') }));
  2. Next, copy the contents of

    to server/explorer/css

  3. Feel free to make any necessary modifications to the copied CSS files.

Remember to specify the specific version of loopback-explorer in your package.json file to prevent any unexpected changes that might affect your customizations when a newer version is released.

Answer №3

In case you forgot to lock the loopback-explorer in package.json or if you began running your application from the latest release of loopback(v2.x), you'll need to make an additional adjustment:

  1. If you used the generator tool to create your loopback app, modify server/component-config.json as follows:

    { "loopback-component-explorer": null }

2.Transfer the folder

to server/explorer/ per Miroslav's recommendation. If you choose to copy the entire directory, you can also update the index.html file.

  1. Edit the server/server.js file and include this line:
    app.use('/explorer',explorer.routes(app, { uiDirs: path.resolve(__dirname, 'explorer') }));
    Also, ensure to import the explorer module at the beginning of the file:
    var explorer = require('loopback-component-explorer');

4.Personalize the user interface of your explorer, with all the required files located in server/explorer

Answer №4

When using the loopback-component-explorer, it is important to ensure that the uiDirs specified in the component-config.json are configured correctly. I encountered a similar issue and resolved it by adding the following line:

"uiDirs": ["server/explorer"]

instead of

"uiDirs": "server/api-explorer",

Answer №5

I have successfully applied custom CSS styles to the Loopback API Explorer header.

Here are the steps I took:

  1. Navigate to node_modules > loopback-component-explorer > public > css folder
  2. Copy the file named loopbackStyles.css
  3. Create a new folder called explorer under the server directory
  4. Create a css folder within the explorer folder and paste the loopbackStyles.css file inside
  5. Add the configuration below to the component-config.json file
  "loopback-component-explorer": {
    "mountPath": "/explorer",
    "generateOperationScopedModels": true,
    "uiDirs": "server/explorer"

To modify the color of the Loopback header, I simply changed the background-color property in the body #header CSS selector in the loopbackStyles.css file.

To replace the default logo name in the header with a custom name, I added the following CSS styles to loopbackStyles.css:

.swagger-ui-wrap #logo{
  display: none;
.swagger-ui-wrap:after { 
  content: "MyOwn API Explorer";
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold; 

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