What is the most effective way to utilize bootstrap classes and their associated functions exclusively for mobile devices by using media queries?

I am encountering an issue with a table in my application that causes the UI to break when the screen width is reduced to less than 600px. To address this, I would like to implement the following bootstrap classes to add a scroll to the application:

.table-scrollable .table-scrollable-borderless

However, I do not want the scrolls to appear on the desktop UI.

To handle this situation, I have decided to use a media query:

@media (max-width: 600px) {


Since these classes are inherited from bootstrap and not custom-designed by me, I am unsure how to call them within the media queries.

Furthermore, I cannot modify the class names as there may be jQuery functions that rely on these specific class names to generate the desired scroll effect.

I would appreciate any guidance on this matter.

Answer №1

If you wish to enable scroll bars on an element, simply add the CSS property

overflow-y: scroll;

For a borderless appearance, you can achieve this by using border: none;.

Keep in mind that when applying overflow-y: scroll, it is essential to specify a fixed height. I hope this information proves helpful.

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